Michael Please

is a BAFTA award-win­ning and OSCAR no­mi­na­ted ani­ma­ti­on di­rec­tor and wri­ter based in Lon­don. He is an alum­nus of Wim­ble­don School of Art, the Royal Col­lege of Art and a mem­ber of the Aca­de­my of Mo­ti­on Pic­ture Arts and Sci­ences. 
RIGHT NOW (2023), he is ha­ving a glo­rious time co-di­rec­ting/wri­ting pro­jects at AARD­MAN ANI­MA­TI­ONS with his long-time col­la­bo­ra­tor and bes­test pal Dan Ojari.

Film The Ea­gle­man Stag (2010, 9:10 min)
Peter's life has been spent in both fa­s­ci­na­ti­on and fear of his qui­cke­ning per­cep­ti­on of time with age. As he nears the end of his days, his in­te­rest turns to ob­ses­si­on and he un­der­ta­kes pro­gres­si­ve­ly ex­tre­me mea­su­res to con­trol and coun­ter times in­cre­a­sing pace. Peter also dis­co­vers that if you re­peat the word 'fly' for long enough it so­unds like you're say­ing 'life'. This is of no real help to him. His ans­wers lie in the brain of a beet­le.

Dis­tri­bu­ted by Fu­ture Shorts
Win­ner of the Best Short Ani­ma­ti­on at BAFTA, and the Spe­ci­al Jury Prize at SXSW.

A FILM BY: Mi­keyPle­a­se.co.uk
MUSIC COM­PO­SI­TI­ON: Be­ne­dict Ple­a­se (The­Bookshop­Band.band­camp.com/)
MUSIC PER­FOR­MANCE: Be­ne­dict­Ple­a­se.co.uk & myspace.com/String­be­ans­Quar­tet
SOUND DE­SIGN: Be­ne­dict Ple­a­se
DUBBING MIXER: Mau­ri­cio­DO­rey.com
PETER EA­GLE­MAN Da­vid­Cann.co.uk
PHI­LIP Tony Guil­foy­le
set de­sign & model ma­king:
Mikey Ple­a­se, Ame­rIn­Ca­me­ra.co.uk, Da­nO­ja­ri.com, Gemma Tay­lor, Laura Ba­teman, Se­an­Ro­bert­Ho­gan.com, Steve Hut­ton, John Wil­kin­son, Re­bec­ca Fox, TD Van Der Beek, Jes­sie baker
PRO­DU­CED @ The Royal Col­lege of Art

    - If Peter could be any­thing, he'd pro­ba­b­ly be a beet­le -

